Items Not Accepted

Frequently, items which are donated can not be used in the programs and can not be sold. These items require the expenditure of agency funds and use of staff time to dispose of them.

In an effort to eliminate problems in disposing of non-profitable or hazardous non-cash items, the following policy has been developed to provide guidance on the types of non-cash items that should not be accepted as donations:

Hazardous Materials - such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, oils, batteries, acids, explosives, flammables and any used medical supplies, oil based paints, aerosol cans, pool chemicals, fluorescent lamps, main frame computer monitors, propane gas tanks

Animals - Please contact Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Farm Manager Jeff Parker at (800) 765-2697, (386) 842-5555 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Non Working Appliances Requiring Freon - such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners

Non Useable or Non Sellable Merchandise - such as junk items, old tires, soiled mattresses, soiled or torn furniture, non-titled boats, vehicles, trailers
